Welcome to NTUHEP

NTUHEP was founded in 1994 by joining the “B meson factory” Belle experiment at Japan’s high energy physics laboratory KEK. Evolving rapidly since, it now consists of 7 regular faculty, together with 5 research faculty, postdoctoral researchers, master and doctoral students plus research assistants, overall footprint now is ~ 80 members. The group is involved in the “global” (57 countries, ~ 250 institutes and 3000+ researchers) CMS experiment at the Larger Hadron Collider LHC at CERN, Geneva; the second generation B factory Belle II experiment and the rare kaon decay KOTO experiment at KEK; as well as the JUNO neutrino oscillation experiment in China, augmenting significantly the academic reputation of NTU. Building up a silicon detector lab at NTU through involvement in the CMS Phase 2 Upgrade High Granularity Calorimeter HGCAL for assembling advanced detector modules, NTUHEP was further awarded in 2021 the NSTC top-level Academic Summit Project for a second time, aiming at breakthrough discovery of extra Higgs bosons through CMS, as well as novel probes at Belle II.